(This is the Sept 6th version. It should all work, but the docker image might be updated until mid of September. The changes will be minor, though.)

You can basically follow the instructions as given here https://jakobandersen.github.io/mod/installation.html#docker. However, the docker image you must use has some important changes which are not provided in the current public version.

The docker image you should use is provided as a tar file on the webpage of DM840 or as the file /mnt/Shared/daniel/dm840/mod-0_13_1_full.tar accessible on the machine logon.sdu.dk at IMADA. Note, that the image is approx. 5GB in size.

mød using docker

First, you should install docker on your personal machine (see here ). Make sure you can use docker (e.g. test with the command docker run hello-world).

If this works, copy the mød image provided above to your local machine. You can then easily load a docker image with the command docker load -i mod-0_13_1_full.tar. This will take a while but has to be done only once. After the image was loaded you can start a container as explained on the mød installation webpage. I personally (on my MacBook) use the command docker run -it --hostname docker --rm -v $(pwd):/workdir -u 0:100 jakobandersen/mod. When you run mød in the docker container, you are usualy interested in the output generated in the summary directory, which is also accessible from the host system (in the directory where you started the docker container).

Note, that changes within the docker container are not persistent, but you can make persistent changes by commiting changes to the container. See any docker introductory material in case you have the need for that.