
The examination is a four hour written exam, with textbook, notes, and calculator allowed. Grades are given according to the 13-point scale, using an external co-examiner ("censor").

The exam takes place June 12, 09:00 to 13:00, in U48A

Here is the exam curriculum (pdf) for the course.

There are two projects (totaling 1.5 ECTS of the 7.5 ECTS of the course) which must be approved (pass/fail) in order to take the exam. If you previously had the project part approved in DM22, you do not need to do it again.

The first project is the following: (pdf). Deadline: April 25.

The second project is the following: (pdf). Deadline: May 23. If you would like to create a graphical display of the solutions generated by your program (for your own sake, it is not part of the project), here is a zip-archive with jpg-files of the 16 pieces in each of the four possible rotations (zip).

There will be a "spørgetime" meeting Friday, June 9, at 12:15 in IMADA's seminar room (opposite room U49A). We will do the entire exam of summer 2005 (pdf), and will discuss any questions on the curriculum and the exam you may have.

Here is a list of the exams with similar curriculum as the current, along with sketches of solutions (for exams before 2005, made by Peter Kornerup):

  • Summer 05 (pdf) with solutions (pdf).

  • Summer 04 (pdf) with solutions (pdf).

  • Summer 03 (pdf) with solutions (pdf).

  • Summer 02 (pdf) with solutions (pdf).

  • Winter 01 (pdf) with solutions (pdf).

  • Winter 00 (pdf) with solutions (html).

Maintained by Rolf Fagerberg (rolf@imada.sdu.dk)