- Online Multi-Coloring on the Path Revisited.
- Marie G. Christ, Lene M. Favrholdt, and Kim S. Larsen.
Acta Informatica, 50(5-6): 343-357, 2013.
We add the concept of frequency reassignment to the models of linear cellular networks and close these problems by giving matching upper and lower bounds in all cases. We prove that no randomized algorithm can have a better competitive ratio than the best deterministic algorithms. In addition, we give an exact characterization of the natural greedy algorithms for these problems.
All of the above results are with regard to competitive analysis. Taking steps towards a more fine-grained analysis, we consider the case of finite calls and no frequency reassignment and prove that, even though randomization cannot bring the competitive ratio down to one, it seems that the greedy algorithm is expected optimal on uniform random request sequences. We prove this for small paths and indicate it experimentally for larger graphs.
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