DM582 - Advanced Algorithms
Spring 2024
Kim Skak Larsen


There are two types of exam elements in this course: You get one combined grade based on the two parts. The oral exam has heighest weight.

Special Exam Conditions

If you have approved special exam conditions from the study board, let me know as early as possible. In most cases, the deadline for this is at least 10 working days before the first scheduled exam event in the course. Special exam conditions could for instance be relevant with regards to extra time for the multiple-choice tests or extra preparation time for the oral exam.

Multiple-Choice Tests

Read through this entire section many days in advance of the first test.

Test Times

Multiple-Choice Test 1: March 22, 2024
8:30 Arrive at the lecture room no later than this time Topics from lectures 6/2, 13/2, 20/2, 27/2:

Network Flows: Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp

Randomized Algorithms: Contention Resolution,
Global Minimum Cut, Waiting Times,
MAX 3-SAT Approximation

8:45 Test starts
9:45 Test ends
10:00 Test ends for students with time extension
Multiple-Choice Test 2: April 18, 2024
8:30 Arrive at the lecture room no later than this time Topics from lectures 5/3, 12/3, 19/3, 2/4:

Randomized Quicksort and Selection

Amortized Analysis

Universal and Perfect Hashing

String Matching: Rabin-Karp, Finite Automata

8:45 Test starts
9:45 Test ends
10:00 Test ends for students with time extension
Multiple-Choice Test 3: May 21, 2024
12:30 Arrive at the lecture room no later than this time Topics from lectures 16/4, 30/4, 7/5:

String Matching: Finite Automata, Knuth-Morris-Pratt

Discrete Probability Theory

Online Algorithms

12:45 Test starts
13:45 Test ends
14:00 Test ends for students with time extension


Having the multiple-choice tests in the course is a supplement to the oral exam; they are not testing the same things. Whereas the oral exam is primarily about being able to explain algorithms and prove complete results about them - similar to what I do in the lectures, the multiple-choice tests are more about being able to apply algorithms and being able to point to central proof techniques or key elements in the proofs. Thus, to a larger extent, they test the work you do in the exercise classes. If you have been doing the exercises, you are probably well prepared for these tests. But even if you do well in these tests, you are not necessarily well prepared for the oral exam, since the focus is quite different. So even if you do well, study hard for the oral exam as well!


There will be multiple exams throughout the course. The plan is to conduct these using the extra lectures that have been scheduled every second week whenever possible and announce these events more than a week in advance. Thus, the tests are conducted in-class and you have to show up for that class at SDU to take the test.

Format and Expectations

No guarantees, but the plan is to have tests with approximately 10 questions, each of which are multiple-choice with four possible answers of which one is the correct one. The plan is to allow 45-60 minutes for the test. This allows you plenty of time for answering, sometimes after minor computation, provided you are up-to-date on the material and the exercises. Naturally, there is not time for learning the material, if you have not followed the course closely enough.

Equipment and Aids

You need your laptop for connecting to Itslearning and taking the exam. It's your own responsibility that your laptop, your connection to wifi, your browser, etc. works and that you can log in to Itslearning and is a participant in the course. Check beforehand - there's no IT help available! You may use all aids, except so-called AI tools which include generative transformers such as ChatGPT and many others; SDU does not allow you to use such aids for exams. I suggest you have pen and paper available for small computations you may want to make along the way.

On the Day

Show up at least 15 minutes before test start so I have time to check your student ID (remember to bring it) and set up. As a courtesy to the other students, do not leave the exam until the end, so you don't disturb your fellow students who want to use all their available time.


In this course, we use a more fair multi-choice grading algorithm than you may have seen before, focusing on giving you the best chances of communicating the knowledge you have.

Before beginning the explanation, I want to emphasize that all the question are multiple-choice questions, i.e., there is one correct answer and you receive maximum points only if you select the that answer and no other answer.

However, if, for instance, you can rule out two out of four answers, you may select the two answers you think contain the correct answer. If you're right, you will receive a positive score, though of course not the maximum score. Thus, you will be able to get credit for partial knowledge.

Another fairness decision in the grading is that there is no cap at zero, which you may have seen in other courses. Thus, you can get negative points for a question. The fairness considerations behind this decision is that the expected value of guessing should be zero.

Below, you can see the scoring table for a question with four possible answers out of which exactly one is correct. You select a number of answers between zero and four, and either you capture the correct answer or you don't. From those two pieces of information, you can see the score in the table, where numbers are rounded to three decimals.

Number of selected answers
0 1 2 3 4
yes NA 1 0.5 0.208 0
no 0 −0.333 −0.5 −0.623 NA


I'm forced to use a newly introduced system for these tests in Itslearning. It has very limited built-in scoring options and may insist on telling you what it thinks your score is. However, after the exam, I can download an Excel sheet with all the test details, i.e., for each student and each question, I can see exactly which entries were selected. Based on that, I will calculate the correct score using the table above. Thus, if Itslearning gives you a score, it's likely incorrect, but it will probably correctly inform you as to which questions you got right.

Oral Exam

The regular exam takes place June 3-4, 2024 and June 6-7, 2024.


The examination form is oral exam with preparation. When it is your turn for examination, you will draw a question. The list of questions can be found below. Then you will be placed alone in a preparation room. You will have approximately 25-30 minutes of preparation time and you are allowed to use any material that you are bringing yourself, excluding communication devices and so-called AI tools which include generative transformers such as ChatGPT and many others; SDU does not allow you to use such aids for exams.

After the preparation time, the actual exam takes place. This part also lasts approximately 25-30 minutes. You should start by presenting material related to the question you drew. Aim for a reasonably high pace and focus on the most interesting material related to the question. You may bring a short list of keywords for the actual exam to remember what you have decided to present. Thus, you are not supposed to use note material, textbooks, transparencies, computer, etc. for this part.

We, the examinator and the censor, will supplement with specific questions when appropriate, and after a while, we will end the discussion of the exam question that you drew and turn to material from other parts of the curriculum. Note that all of this as well as discussion between examinator and censor about the grade is included in the 25-30 minutes, so you only have 10-12 minutes for your own presentation.

Some of the questions below cover a whole lecture or more, so you will have to choose what to cover. You will of course also be evaluated based on your selection of material. If you only present the simplest material, you limit the grade you can obtain. On the other hand, a good presentation of the simple material is better than a poor presentation of the harder material. For most questions, it is natural to first sketch the algorithm or data structure and then present essential elements of the analysis, keeping in mind that you should focus on parts that you understand.

Further Advice for an Oral Exam


The following summarizes the lecture material.


The below is the list of questions you draw from at the exam.
  1. Network Flows
  2. Randomized Algorithms
  3. Amortized Analysis
  4. Universal and Perfect Hashing
  5. String Matching
  6. Online Algorithms


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