DM819 - Computational Geometry
Fall 2024
Kim Skak Larsen

Home Exam

Lectures and Exercises

Due to integration with the platform "itslearning", this page is organized into topics, which are sorted according to the date of the first lecture of the topic and the later exercises are placed under the topic they belong to. Thus, if one looks at all the dates of lectures and exercises, one will not find an ordered list.

The entries are not static - announced material for a lecture may be updated to what was actually covered after the lecture was given. At the end of the course, the lecture and exercises announcements on this page will reflect exactly what was covered.

For each topics, we will later give references to sections in the textbook and list exercises for discussion at the exercise sessions.

Date Time Place Event
Introduction, goals & techniques. Convex Hull. Euler's Theorem.
Plane Sweep Algorithms. Line Segment Intersection.
Polygon Triangulation.
Linear Programming. Backwards Analysis.
Orthogonal Range Searching: k-d Trees, Range Trees.
Point Location: Trapezoidal Maps.
Voronoi Diagrams.
Windowing Queries: Interval Trees, Priority Search Trees, Segment Trees.
Binary Space Partitions.
Robot Motion Planning and Visibility Graphs.
Algorithmic Foundations.


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