DM565 - Formal Languages and Data Processing
Fall 2023
Kim Skak Larsen

Home Innovation

  1. Consider allowing that the same identifier is used for a variable and a function in the same scope, i.e., one could in principle have a function call that looked like f(f). Discuss if it is possible to handle this and which changes should be made in SCIL to allow this if it is possible. Then consider if we could reasonably allow local variables in a function and formal parameters to have the same name.
  2. Consider the construction (written in a style corresponding to the right-hand side of a grammar rule)
       neg:  S
       zero: S
       pos:  S
    The intention is that the expression E is evaluated and depending on the sign, one of three statements are executed. Consider which changes should be made in a compiler for the phases scanner, parser (AST), symbol collection, and type checking.
  3. In SCIL, all functions must execute a return before terminating. However, such a return statement does not necessarily have to be located as the last statement in a sequence; it could, for instance, be placed in both branches of an if-then-else statement, or, in principle, just in one branch of an if-then-else statement, if we are certain that that branch will always be executed. Assume that we are interested in giving the user a warning if we think it is possible a return statement has been forgotten. Discuss what a reasonable strategy would be. Assume we implement this in SCIL in a separate phase. Consider representative language constructions and discuss what code to write in order to implement this feature.
  4. Consider a construction such as
    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    Some programming languages will forbid changing the loop variable inside the loop, i.e., it is OK if S is print(i) or A[i] = i*i, but i = 42 or i -= 1 should be forbidden. What would be a good way to organize this check in the symbol collection / type checking phases?
  5. In the type checking phase, we want to verify, among other things, that functions are called with the right number of parameters. Think about how you would do this for a function call f(1, 2, 3). What are the steps the compiler should go through? Does your method also work for, for example, f(0, 1, f(2, f(3, 4, 5), 6))? How is this handled in SCIL?
  6. Change the scope rules of SCIL so that functions can only access their own variables or variables in the main scope. We still allow writing nested functions. Change the lookup function in to make that change. Verify that the compiler still works fine for some programs such as factorial.src. Observe that the compiler also works for a program such as static_nested_scope.src, but now it works differently. Write a SCIL program that works with the original compiler, but is rejected after your change.


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