DM565 - Formal Languages and Data Processing
Fall 2023
Kim Skak Larsen

Home Innovation

There are two exam elements in this course: You get one combined grade based on the two parts. The multiple choice test has heighest weight.

Multiple choice test

This exam is scheduled to be held on January 26, 2024.

The exam will be on topics from the first approximately 10 weeks, based on the announced curriculum of the course.

Some guides about the exam from me and from the faculty will be made available some time before the exam. It can of course not be exact, but the plan is to ask questions on the different topics in roughly the same proportion as the topics have been covered in lectures and exercises. The questions will attempt to check if you know the important algorithms from the different parts of the book, e.g., given a grammar, which of the following LR(1)-states will appear when producing a LR(1)-parser? Or they could check multiple things at the same time, e.g., given the following output, which command-line sequence could have produced it? Or they could check if you know the SCIL compiler by asking what should be changed or added if certain new features should be included. I do not make older exam sets available (see the FAQ), but here is a longer list of the forms questions can have:

There could be many other types of questions. For instance, for many of them, questions/answers can be reversed. However, this should give you a pretty good idea of what kind of tasks you should be able to solve.

Remember that accessing the Internet is not permitted during the exam, so you should download all the material from the course home page that you might need.

If students ask me questions where I think the answer could be of interest to other students, I add it to the FAQ.

Innovation project

See all dates and deadlines on the innovation page.

The exam is based on the project you will have made during the last 4 weeks of the course. As a part of the project, you are supposed to select and use techniques from the first part of the course. See the innovation page for more information about the material.


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