DM565 - Formal Languages and Data Processing
Fall 2023
Kim Skak Larsen

Home Innovation

There are separate reexams in the course part and the innovation part. Once you have passed both separately, you get your combined grade.

If you have passed either the course part or the innovation part at the regular exam, then you only have to go to the reexam in the missing part, provided that you pass that missing part at one of the next two opportunities: at the reexam in the spring or at the next regular exam. Thus, you must have completed both parts no later than at the regular exams one year after your first regular exam. Otherwise, you have to take both parts again.

The same is true if you handed in an innovation project, but did not pass (because you were sick, for instance). You can retake the oral part of the innovation exam up until and including the next regular exam. However, in this case, it is highly recommended that you take care of the oral part of the innovation project at the first opportunity, while you remember the project and your report. If you pass, that result will stand until and including the next regular exam, where you would then only have to be examined in the course part.

Innovation Part

The reexam in the innovation part is essentially the same as for the regular exam, except that you may have to work in a smaller group (possibly alone). You should contact Peter Bækgaard Von Lehnsburg,, as soon as possible to finalize the details for you.

The deadline for handing in the innovation report is March 5, 2024, at 10:00 (morning). The presentation of your innovation project takes place the following week March 13, 2024, starting at 14:15 in the IMADA Conference Room. Please consult Peter Bækgaard Von Lehnsburg with regards to the exact time that day for your turn.

Course Part

The reexam in the course part is an oral exam, as opposed to the multi-choice test from the regular exam.

The date for the reexam in the course part is Monday, March 18, 2024.

Time of day, examination sequence, and room will be announced later. The examination time is approximately 30 minutes including everything.

The exam form has been designed with fairness in mind in relation to the multiple-choice test from the regular exam, so it is a little different from how most oral exams are conducted. You will not draw a question. Instead, you will be examined in three different categories. Below, we list the categories and example questions in each category. At the exam, we will not necessarily process the categories in the order given below. Be aware that these are example questions to give you some idea what to expect and how to prepare, but you will be asked different concrete questions.

For the SCIL category, we may, if we judge it relevant, for some questions bring up some code. Note, however, that you typically cannot answer the question based on only the code you are looking at. The questions are deliberately chosen so that you have to know something about the invariants underlying the code generation (see lecture slides).

Here are some example questions in the three categories (we emphasize again that they are just examples):

Automata Theory




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