14 September 2019

Lecture - Tuesday, September 17th.

16-19 in U55 (Big auditorium time!)

We will start discussing CDN and streaming video, which we did not cover in lecture 2.

Then we will start the coverage of the transport layer, covering UDP, elaborating a bit on the services provided by the transport layer, multiplexing/demultiplexing and the principles of reliable data transfer.

This will include the two pipelining protocols Go-Back-N and Selective-Repeat for making RDT efficient.

Tutorial session

September 19th. 12-14 in U156


September 20th. 10-12 in U154


Try to answer these exercises from chapter 3 of the book:

  • P3 Checksums

  • P5 Checksum i UDP

  • P15 Window size cross country and utilization

  • P19 Go back N

  • P23 Go back N (performance if buffering)

And consider:

  • What are factors that can determine the window size in a pipelining protocol?

  • Describe good and bad properties of Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat respectively

In class:

Spend the first half discussing the exercises prepared at home, and the Socket exercises from last week (if you did not do it last week).

The second part of the session, you will work with DNS using Wireshark. Instructions can be found in the Instructions menu → Wireshark DNS

  • Chapters 3.1-3.4

Material (Slides, etc.)