22 November 2019
16-19 in U55
First, we will cover different types of firewalls and intrusion detection systems, this also includes mitigation/defence against DDoS.
Then we will cover the Owasp top 10 report, of the most serious problems in web-applications.
Finally, we will discus how the exam is handled, and how to prepare for this type of exam.
Thursday November 28th. 8-10 in U24 or 10-12 in U146
Prepare a list of 10-15 keywords for the exam question: Security: Firewalls, intrusion detection.
Select one (or more) of the topics from this list, and prepare to give a 10 min. presentation to the class on the topic:
Functionality and interfaces for the application layer of the TCP/IP model and the functionality of DNS
Functionality and interfaces for the transport layer of the TCP/IP model and the difference between UDP and TCP
Functionality and interfaces for the network layer of the TCP/IP model with focus on the data plane.
Functionality and interfaces for the network layer of the TCP/IP model with focus on the control plane.
Functionality and interfaces for the link layer of the TCP/IP model, including error detection and correction
Symmetric and public key crypography, Key distribution and User authentication
Security: Transport- and Network-layer security
In class:
Use the first part of class to work on this exercise and discuss the content of your keyword lists, and consider possible alternatives.
P25 - Configuring ACL for a Firewall
from Chapter 8 in the textbook.
Use the second part of the class to give and see a few presentations that you have prepared at home.
This is You that should make the presentations, the TA will not step in and do them for You!
Chapter 8.9