[20:00-21:30:] Problem session chaired by Adrian Bondy
[10:35-11:10:] Deryk Osthus, Linkedness and ordered cycles in directed graphs
[11:10-11:45:] Daniella Kuehn, Hamilton cycles in oriented graphs
[11:45-12:15:] Gregory Gutin, Parameterized Algorithms for Directed Maximum Leaf Problems
[12:15-15:00:] Lunch followed by a break
[15:00-15.35:] Marco Chiarandini, A computational study for the 2-edge-connectivity augmentation problem
[15:35-16:05:] Yury Nikulin, Heuristics for the central tree problem
[16:05-16:30:] Coffee
[16:30-17:05:] Thore Husfeldt, Computing the Tutte polynomial in vertex-exponential time
[17:05-17:35:] Bill Jackson, An inequality for Tutte polynomials
[18:30-] dinner
[10:40-11:10:] Coffee
[11:10-11:45:] Louis Esperet, Adapted list colouring of planar graphs
[11:45-12:20:] Frederic Havet, L(p,q)-labelling of graphs
[12:20-12:50:] Daniel Goncalves, Planar graphs and intersection graphs of segments
[12:50-15:30] Lunch followed by a break
[15:30-16:05:] Tibor Jordan, Edge-disjoint spanning trees, brick partitions and body-and-pin frameworks
[16:05-16:35:] Matthias Kriesell, Degree sequences and edge-connectivity
[16:35-17:00:] Coffee
[17:00-17:35:] Hajo Broersma, Sharp upper bounds for the minimum number of components of 2-factors in claw-free graphs
[17:35-18:05:] Anders Yeo Total domination in 2-connected graphs and transversals in
[19:00-] Conference dinner
[10:05-10:35:] Coffee
[10:35-11:10:] Stephan Brandt, Colouring and distinguishing edges by total labellings
[11:10-11:40:] Bernhard Fuchs, Approximating Range Assignment Problems
[11:50-14:30:] Lunch followed by departure